Last Saturday March 7, 2009 I stayed home all day. I did not get in my car and go anywhere. I ventured out side once to put the stickers on the Tahoe. To be honest I don't remember how long it has been since I stayed home all day.
So what did I do all day? I cleaned places that hadn't been cleaned for a while. I worked on Jason's quilt. Laundry, dishes, vaccum,ironing, read you name it I probably did it. If anyone really knows me, they know that I get side track really easy.
I will start cleaning the kitchen then go put something away in the office only to stop at the computer to check blogs, email, etc. Then notice some papers needing to be filed in the cabinet downstairs. Once those are put away. I remember the clothes need to be taken out of the dryer. I put them in a basket then start another load of clothes. I then fold towels and put them away only to see how bad the toilet and floor is in the one bathroom. I go into the kitchen to get some cleaning things when I realized I have not finished loading the dishwasher. I finish that and start wiping up the counters when I notice all the dirty dish towels and rags and then head downstairs where I notice stuff on the TV that needs to be put away.
Anyway you are getting the idea. By the end of the day I look around and realize I did accomplish alot and wish for 4 more days like that. It is just nice to have one of those productive days.
How I Save 70% on my Kid’s Clothing
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