Sunday, January 25, 2009

Blessings and Protection from Above

In the midst of our life we have incredible experiences that lets us know our Heavenly Father loves us and is constantly watching over us.

I was headed down on Thursday to go skiing with Jason on Friday and then Saturday was Avry's birthday and Tiffany's birthday is on the 6th of February. I was taking the girls shopping and lunch. I was then going to stay with Tiffany and go to church and watch her boys for an hour on Monday while she went for a job interview. Then head back to Idaho so I could get back to have a FHE group come to our home from the college

Thursday morning I bowled. Jenny Huskinson who was on our team a year and half ago got back from her mission from Uganda. It was so nice to see her and hear of some of her experiences. We are glad she could be back on our team, even tho we will miss Bonnie Peterson I had to do payroll at the office so hurried down to IF right after bowling as I wanted to leave at 3 so I wasn't driving very much in the dark. I started on my SUDA report and it ended up taking me longer to do it and didn't get away till 4:30. I was going to try and get to Ogden and stop at Joann’s before they closed and find some floss for a friend.

I had my Yukon loaded with the rest of Tiffany and Marshall's stuff that was stored at our house. It was mostly, things from their childhood, school, college, and mission. Six 18 gallon plastic totes, a couple of boxes, misc things. The roads were clear and I was making pretty good time. The forecast had said 30% rain and 50% in the evening. It started raining around Marsh Valley and the temperature was about 35. It was raining on the Malad pass but I slowed down some. I stopped in Malad and filled my car with gas, the ground was wet but not icy. I was hungry so I went in to get a hamburger. There was one girl that they were filling her order and 3 other people doing I don't know what. After waiting for 5 minutes I decided I couldn't wait any longer and needed to get going to make Joann's Fabric before they close.
As I entered the freeway I checked the time 6:33 and temperature 34. I called Scott and was talking on my bluetooth to see how he golfed as he was in LV. It was really raining and I was watching the temperature and thought if it drops to freezing the roads could be bad. I had passed the exit to Plymouth and had slowed down to 65 and noticed the temperature at 32. I had just passed the Plymouth exit and made note that there were a few cars way a head of me and I could see cars a ways behind. It was about then that I told Scott I am slipping I don’t know what exactly happened next if I tried to turn the wheel or touched the brake or what but I started spinning. I thought just let it go and it will stop and what ever direction I am going I will get it turned around. The next thing I knew my headlights shined on the snow on the side of the road which was about a foot deep. My car started up the side of the snow and started rolling. I know I rolled at least twice. When I stopped I was upright and facing east aways from the road. I didn't know it was east at the time. I was disorientated and thought I had rolled across the middle and the north bound lane. The policeman had to keep telling me I was on the south bound side. My car still running the wipers still going, light on. I sat there for a few minutes looking straight ahead and thinking I am OK. I know my head hit the roof. I turned the overhead lights on and tried to find my phone. I found my phone and called 411 and thought what am I doing that's not the right number. I then tried 911 but kept hitting a letter. I finally got it right and told them what had happened and where I was. She said they had been notified and help was on the way. I called Scott to let him know I was OK. He had called the Box Elder police and they said their had been multiple accidents. He then said he called the hospital and they said they were told their were multiple accidents and they were getting ready for it. I then called Jason.

You can't tell that the roof was caved in

A guy and his boy stopped and he said he was a retired firefighter and I couldn't’t get out of my car I rolled the window down and he asked if I was OK. Just a little in shock but I seemed to be OK. I crawled over to see if I could get out the passenger side. The snow was very icy and it was still raining. They asked if I had warm clothing. I found my ski coat but could only find one of my snow boots. It was then I notice the windows on both back side and the window in the back was out. The guys son started picking up things and handing them to me and I was putting them in some bag. When the police came he told them to go ahead. He asked if I was OK and said their were 5 accidents in the last few minutes between the two exits and that it had frozen suddenly. He asked for my insurance and registration. As I handed him my registration. An ambulance came. They made me come and sit in the ambulance and check me out. I was OK, they said they had 5 calls and got a 6Th while I was there. Another ambulance came by while I was inside. They gave me a bandage for a tiny glass cut on my finger and said since I was OK they were going on to check on another one. They walked me back to my car as the policeman was getting out of his car to hand me the paperwork. A truck went by and he said theirs the salt truck finally. He told me the wrecker had been called and what the guys name was and apologized that he couldn't stay with me as he had to go check on another accident. He told me to sit in my car. As I sat waiting for the wrecker I looked to the south and could see cars stopped and a police car and then farther down another police car. I looked to the north and I could see two police cars quite a distance apart.

Another car stopped to see if I was OK, I told him the police and ambulance had already been here and I was just waiting for the wrecker. I noticed a wrecker go by and thought maybe he didn't see me. So I waited who knows how long. The wrecker finally got there and he said he didn't see me and headed to the other one and it was a white SUV also, but they had not called it in. He had to go to the next exit and turn around and find me. He pulled my car on to the flat bed and picked up what stuff we could see. There had been a small box with Marshall's missionary letters and it was all over the side of the road and wet. I was so cold by now and my hair was drenched I took my scarf off around my neck and put it on my head. My ski coat was completely soaked through along with my pants. I sat in his truck while he finished picking up things. Jason and Avry had decided she was closer and since she had a Tahoe would come and get me and clean out my car. The policeman told me to tell her to come to the Riverside Exit but since she was aways a way the wrecker guy told me to have her come to Tremonton and meet at Denny's. Tremonton he said was only 5 miles away we had to wait for Avry for a few minutes and then she followed us over to their storage area. He got the car off the bed and Avry, Kaden and I started cleaning out my car. It was still raining but only 34 degrees at Tremonton and not icy. Things were a mess and lots of tiny glass in everything. Two of the tubs were completely broken. Avry was being funny as usual.

We got to her house and Justin and Kaden started hauling things in. We spread all the letters all over the floor to dry. I couldn't sleep so I spent most of the night drying the letters and rotating them.

Avry's family Room

Avry's living Room

Friday I went and got 4 new tubs for Tiffany and started the process of sorting and repacking and calling her and telling her what I had to throw out. Scott flew in at 1 and we decided to take the girls for birthday dinner at Red Lobster and head for home in the morning.

Sorting stuff from broken tubs in Avry's family room

I have thought and analyzed this episode in my life the last several days. There was no promptings like I have had in past experiences. I know my Heavenly Father could of prevented this from happening, but I also know that things happen for a reason. We may not know or understand for sometime. I know that I was protected. I had my seat belt on, I was alone, I was in the Yukon and not my smaller car and there were no other cars involved. What is more amazing is that I have no bruises, cuts and its been 3 days and I haven't developed any internal symptoms. It is interesting that I was never scared. It seemed more like a ride at an amusement park.

It has affected each of my children. From a call from Clint in Germany after reading about me on Geoff's facebook. He said he had a sense he had to talk to someone that day. To Tiffany sobbing on the phone apologizing for every mean thing she has said or did to me. To Geoff knowing he had told me he loved me just half an hour before to Avry being ok till she saw my car and me. From Jason's sincere love of checking up on me that night and the next day and would drive all the way to just give me a hug to Jeralee's wonderful humor of looking for a stunt driver for the next James Bond movie. She had me laughing so hard. And of course Scott for trying hard to find out how bad it was. I am so ever blessed for the family I have.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year/2008 In Review

New Years Eve was spent with our Party Group at Meng's. Besides us and Meng's there was Anderson, Peterson, Furniss and Purser we had dinner and at 10 pm we were all yawning so we pulled out the domino's and played till midnight. Had some cold duck and headed for home and in bed by 12:30 am. Where are the days we stayed up half the night playing chardes. Guess that is what happens when you are pushing 60.

New Years Day we headed up to Targhee to do some skiing. The top was a blizzard slowly made our way over to Cheif Joseph and skied Blackfoot lift till about 11:30 went in to have an early lunch and then over to Scajawea. It got very crowded and found out both Dreamcatcher and Blackfoot lifts were closed. The snow wasn't to bad, the top was blowing and windy but once in the trees it was good. Scott's legs gave out, so Geoff and I skied. He took me through some trees not to bad. I was surprised at how I didn't get tired for my first time out. Excited for Wednesday ladies day to start this week.

Just a quick review of 2008

January found me skiing on Wednesday and bowling on Thursday. Scott went golfing in Mesquite while I went to Las Vegas with 5 other friends to the Miss American pageant in January.
February found us sking, bowling, and snowmobling. All the kids were home and we had a family picture. Clint had two weeks from Iraq and Lia and girls came from Germany. It had been 4 years since we had all been togehter.
March still sking and bowling. I still go to a quilt guild once a month along with still working part time at Scotts office. Did loose two new sets of ski poles (left them at the ski hill and no one turned them in)
April We headed to Palm Springs for a week of golfing and Scott got a new motorcyle for his birthday. Tiffany and Marshall and boys lived with us for 4 months.
May our willow tree got a major trimming from broken branches from an early snowstorm last year. Grandma Nielson passed away on May 24.
Summer Months found Scott traveling clear up to Cut Bank Montana down to Reno Nevada on projects. I went on a few trips with him. First time up to Gardnier Montana, North entrance of Yellowstone Park had a nice trip through the park. Did some hiking with friends. Went to Miss Idaho in June and Miss Idaho Falls won again. July had a family reunion in Draper and Snowbird Utah. We had a barbeque in Jason's backyard which made him get busy to finish his patio. Earlier in the day Jeralee and family, Avry, Tiffany and kids was spent at the children's museum and then playing in the fountains at the Gateway
August hiked Table Rock with friends. My brother brought my sister Laura up for a week took her to Targhee and Jackson. Picked up my sister Cheryl and we went to SLC and visited our kids and spent some time on temple Square. Was extremely busy with Miss Idaho Falls, not only taking care of the money and secretarial duties I wound up putting the program together. Went to Bend Oregon and did some golfing then on over to Eugene to visit Jeralee and family and see and do a little work on their new home. I got my first new leather coat in Jackson so I would look cool on Scott's motorcyle which I am getting more courage to ride with him
September we got a new riding lawn mower and it is a zero radius turning and I haven't learned to use it. Maybe I won't learn as I like Scott doing all the mowing now. Went for a few days to Sun Valley, rode our bikes and golfed. I also learned about belaying and mountain climbing with Geoff and have a few new scars to show.
October we went to Hawaii for almost two weeks for an AIA convention. We went to Oahu and the big island, did golfing, snorkling on a boat and a dinner cruise and rented a jeep.
November we went to St. George and did some golfing before Thanksgiving and then had Thanksgiving at Avry's. We got a new snowblower in anticipation of snow.
December we finally got new windows put in the basement. Sun Valley for a few days no snow so read the Twilight books. Finally finished the top of Jason's quilt after two years and almost have my stockings done. First year with no kids on Christmas Eve, but rented a cabin and had a fun time in Island Park. Then moved Tiffany from Lehi to Eagle Mountain, spent a day with Grandchildren.
On top of that Scott was Bishop of the BYUI 7th ward. Besides the ward activies we had a FHE group in every monday night during school and I made homemade bread each week and sent it home with the kids. All and all it was a pretty good year. Looking forward to 2009 and lots of exciting new things.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas 2008 Memories

This was definately a different Christmas but still memories were made. I have to start clear back with Thanksgiving at Avry's in Syracuse, Utah. Avry and Jason have had this fun thing with Candy canes for several years. Two years ago Jason gave her a box of 368 green striped candy canes. Avry decided to give them back and with my help we decided to go all out and decorate his house with Candy Canes. I had been buying and finding anything with candy cane on them, from ribbon, to material, placemats, ornaments, window clings, magnet, rug, you name it. We were hoping we could get Jason to go on a trip or go somewhere for the day. Well that didn't happen so after thanksgiving we went to his house with him there and decorated it for him. I had red and white lights (which he said it looked like a Barbie tree from the street) and set to work. We hide all 368 candy canes in his house. I am sure he has found 95% of them.

Jason's tree

We celebrated our 39th wedding Anniversary on the 19th by going to Mountain River Ranch for a sleigh ride, dinner and entertainment. (It was really our office Party) Christmas Eve found us doing nothing, so we opened our gifts to each other. The funny thing is we both had bought each other a new paper shredder. We had bought the exact same thing. Scott bought his at Staples an I bought mine at Office Max. Of course we took one back. Scott did get me a new digetal video recorder. He had copied all our old 8 mm tapes on to CD and said he didn't realize that I had take most of the video's.

Christmas morning we puttered around packing things to go to Island Park where we had rented a cabin for 3 nights. Geoff and Jason got here around 11 am. Geoff had been in Germany for the last two weeks visiting Clint and family. Tiffany and Marshall got here about 3. Marshall had to go back to Utah to work. Tiffany and boys rode with us in the Yukon and Geoff and Jason took the pickup filled with food, clothes, gear, and all our presents. We headed to Island Park in a blizzard. Tried to get gas in two places and they were empty. Found gas in Ashton. We drove very slow and got up to Island Park at about 7 pm. Blowing, snowing and dark we attempted to try and find the cabin.

It was only 1/4 mile from the main highway. We left the pickup at the Subway and drove up Huckleberry Lane. We stopped at one cabin to ask where it was at and they said it was right next door. The drive hadn't been plowed out. Jason and I waded in waist deep snow to the porch. Scott drove up the lane to an intersection and was able to turn around and go back down to the Subway where he unhitched the trailer and unloaded the snowmachines and then we unloaded everything in the pickup into the Yukon. (Pickup has only rear wheel drive). We proceeded to get all 4 machines stuck because of the 3 feet of soft snow. I was busy still in my sweats shoveling a path from the cabin to the road. Jason, Geoff and Scott worked at getting the machines unstuck and making a path to the cabin. I was getting cold so I went in and watched the boys while Tiffany went out to help. By 10:30 pm they had everything hauled in and shoveled a place for the yukon. Avry was coming from Logan and they had a white out and turned back and stayed with Justin's family that night. Marshall even made it all the way to Lehi in the snow storm. It only took him 6 hours.

Friday morning it was a beautiful sunny day. A guy came and plowed us out and said he didn't know anyone was coming till Sunday. The cabin belongs to some people we know and I had reserved it through them and not their central reservations center. Avry and family got up Friday late afternoon. Marshall got their late evening. Tiffany, Geoff, Jason, & Scott went for a ride. Said they would be gone a few hours. Well four hours later I started panicking as the snow is so soft and if they got off the trail they would get stuck (we have old machines) no one took their phones. About 6 Tiffany shows up, cold and miserable. They had wound up in West Yellowstone and then dad had run out of gas. Excitement for the night. We had dinner and then opened gifts.


Snow Cave

Hot tubbing

sledding. Jason and I did some cross country skiing also.

Snow Ball Fights

Games, Visiting and watching home movies

And Plenty of FOOD!

Sunday morning we headed home in a freezing rain. Had to stop twice to clean the windshield off. Said good bye to everyone except Tiffany and boys. We truly missed Clint and Jeralee's family.

Monday morning Tiffany and I were on the road at 7:30 am picked up Maeli and Kaden in Syracuse and got into Lehi at 12:30. We spent all day moveing the Snedakers to their new townhome in Eagle Mountain (10 miles away). Avry and family helped, Marshall's cusins helped and Jason and Mark came up in the evening to help. I stayed with Jason Monday night and Avry dropped off Maeli and Kaden in the morning to spend the day with me. We went to Body Worlds 3. That was a fascinating exhibit on the human body. Had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen with Jason and then went to the movies and saw "Bed Time Stories". Met Avry at the car wash in Layton and then headed home to Idaho.